Ideas to Highlight Energy Awareness Month at School
Sep 05 2017
Kids and adults alike often take for granted the fact that we can flip a switch, plug into an outlet, or refill at the pump and have a seemingly unlimited supply of energy at our fingertips. Take some time in your classroom this October to shine a light on energy – because knowledge is power!
Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Have a discussion about energy: how it’s produced, where it comes from, renewable vs. non-renewable energy, energy conservation vs. energy efficiency
- Conduct a classroom energy audit to find ways you can reduce energy use. Here’s a lesson to get you started. DuPage County teachers can borrow kill-a-watt meters from SCARCE. Check out ideas to reduce energy waste here.
- Participate in Walk to School Day on October 4th – a great opportunity to bring awareness to energy conservation and highlight the climate impact when we walk or bike instead of drive.
- Encourage your students to check out the Illinois Solar Tour on October 7th to see renewable energy in action!
- Schedule an Energy Bike program for your class (5th grade and up)
- Check out Google Project Sunroof to see if your school or your students’ homes are good candidates for renewable solar energy. Many DuPage County schools have added solar panels for energy production and a cool, on-site teaching tool (such as Lake Park HS in Roselle).
- Visit the SCARCE Green Fair on September 30th to check out Smart Grid for Schools and get even more ideas!
You can also sign up for the Cool DuPage newsletter to get tips, info on grants, and updates on energy projects around DuPage County.