
SCARCE has been involved with the passage of numerous laws that aim to protect the people and the planet. Our goal at SCARCE is to keep harmful chemicals out of the environment and promote and enable environmentally-friendly practices leading to a healthy and sustainable future for all. 

Our mission is to create a brighter future for people and the planet.

And we do this by being a


Our educational programming focuses on simple, practical ways to adopt greener practices into residential and commercial areas.


We recognize opportunities for change, fighting against environmental hazards and  issues in order to move forward. 


We work closely with local schools, businesses, and elected officials to bring better, greener solutions to our communities.

Since 2004, we’ve helped pass 12 eco-friendly laws, helping to make Illinois a better, cleaner place to work and live. 

Our Most Recent Bill

In February 2020, State Rep. Terra Costa Howard (D-Glen Ellyn) filed House Bill 4329, prohibiting the sale or manufacturing of any garden hose that is not lead-free. The goal of this bill is to reduce exposure to carcinogenic lead in water used to water gardens, fill pools, and hydrate people and pets. Our legislation includes:

Lead Poisoning Prevention Act, HB 4329 – 2019-2020

Compost-Amended Soil Construction Act, HB 4790 – 2018

Food Donation Act, Public Act 099-552 – 2016

Pollution Control Facility (compost transfer stations), SB1518 – 2015

EPA Compost Drop Off, HB0437 – 2015

Solid Waste Management Compostables, HB2495 – 2015

Illinois Dead Animal Disposal Act (Vegetable Cooking Oil Collections), 225 ILCS 610/3 – 2013

Safe Pharmaceutical Disposal Act, 210 ILCS 150/ – 2010

EPA Composting Facilities, SB99 – 2009

Smoke Free Illinois Act, 410 ILCS 82/ – 2008

Green Cleaning Schools Act, 105 ILCS 140/ – 2007

Excessive Idling, Public Act 094-0845 – 2006

Mercury Fever Thermometer Prohibition Act, Public Act 93-0165 – 2004

Looking Ahead

No matter what we achieve, SCARCE is always looking for more ways to leave the planet better than we found it, in hopes of creating a cleaner world for future generations. Support our mission by getting involved as a volunteer or donor today! 

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