Hot Topics April 2017
Mar 30 2017
A handful of important articles from the news and other environmental organizations from the past month. Scroll down and click underlined sections of text for more details.
Lisle Convention Bureau Collects Worn-Out American Flags
The Lisle Convention & Visitor’s Bureau is collecting worn-out American Flags from now until May 26th in Lisle’s Village Hall lobby, 925 Burlington Ave. Flags will be retired in a ceremony performed by local Boy Scouts during the village’s Memorial Day Remembrance Ceremony on May 29th.
Yoga pants, cozy clothes may be key source of sea pollution
Many of us have heard of microbeads and the pollution problem they present to our waterways but you may not have heard that microfibers from our synthetic fabrics, such as fleece sweaters and activewear, are also a problem. What can you do about it? Buy clothing made of natural fibers (cotton, tencel, wool), wash less (your clothes will last longer, too), and use a fine mesh lint trap on your washer. This start-up is designing a solution: a mesh wash bag to catch fibers (perfect for those who don’t own their washer or can’t add a filter) they hope to have it in mass production this fall.