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2021 Pumpkin Smash Goes Worldwide!
Dec 02 2021
The 2021 Pumpkin Smash topped all our previous records!

a 45% increase over last year!
230.7 tons of pumpkins were collected so far. (A few stragglers have yet to report.) Last year, our final total was 159.4 tons, which adds up to a 45% increase over last year! Composting those tons of pumpkins saved 49,613 gallons of water and eliminated 165.9 metric tons of CO2 equivalent.
More than that, the Pumpkin Smash spread to national news through a Weather Channel broadcast on the Saturday before Halloween.
Founder Kay McKeen enjoyed doing the live interview.
“Oh my gosh, it was really fun,” McKeen said. “We watch the weather, and we know the TV personalities. It was exciting to share our event information with them.” (Want to watch the interview? Visit our YouTube Channel.
That same week, Yale University’s Climate Connections, which features stories on how people are responding to warming world, also picked up the story. Over 680 radio stations broadcast the interview nationwide along with many affiliates around the world. Best of all, SCARCE received calls and emails requesting information as a result.