Hot Topics August 2017
Jul 31 2017
Shedd Joins Aquariums Nationwide to Reduce Plastic Pollution
Our plastic pollution problem is big and our aquariums are taking notice. The Shedd Aquarium is part of the newly formed Aquarium Conservation Partnership – which includes 18 other aquariums across the US. It was formed specifically to reduce plastic pollution in our oceans, lakes, and rivers by cutting single-use plastic from aquarium operations and educating about the impact of plastic pollution on aquatic wildlife. The aquariums in the partnership have phased out plastic bags and straws and are taking aim at plastic bottles. Check out to learn the facts about single-use plastic pollution and learn how to protect the animals you love.
For more on plastic pollution check out our #PickUp5 initiative and our June Take Action blog about going strawless
Building Operators: Get a Free Energy Assessment from ComEd
Buildings with energy demands of 100 kW and above are eligible for a free facility assessment from ComEd. Learn key improvements to make to reduce energy demand, save money, and reduce your business’ impact on the environment.
Grassroots Effort Taking Straws Off the Menu in Boulder, Colo.
Single-use plastic straws are in the spotlight again! Locals are encouraging restaurants to take a stand and reduce their environmental impact by offering compostable straws, switching to straws by request or simply no straws at all.