September Eco-Extraordinaires
Aug 28 2018
Check out this month’s local leaders in green.
Do you know a DuPage County organization or person that deserves some green kudos? Email [email protected] to explain who you think should be one of our next Eco-Extraordinaires.
Invesco Collection was One for the Books
As part of earning their Earth Flag, Invesco of Downers Grove hosted a book drive for SCARCE to promote reuse and recycling. They asked employees to de-clutter their bookshelves at home and donate reading materials they no longer needed to SCARCE’s book rescue projects. In total, they collected 47 boxes – or 1,064lbs – of books for SCARCE. Wow! Their collection helped divert resources from the landfill and get books to those in need. Thank you Invesco!

North Central College Helps Protect Local Waterways from Pollution
As students are getting back to school, the Office of Sustainability at North Central College in Naperville has them already making an impact for the environment and the community. Staff and students have begun installing 20 storm drain medallions on curbs received as part of SCARCE’s Storm Drain Medallion Project. These medallions help educate community members how storm sewers directly connect to local waterways and they can protect clean water simply by not dumping anything into sewer grates. Awesome work!
Get your group involved in the Storm Drain Medallion Project, a simple and free environmental service project.
Village of Hanover Park Receives SolSmart Designation
Hanover Park received SolSmart bronze designation over the summer, showing it’s dedication to facilitating solar energy projects within their community. SolSmart communities have addressed taken steps to address key barriers to solar energy and foster the growth of mature local solar markets. In Hanover Park, they created an online permitting checklist to facilitate projects and reviewed local zoning codes to identify restrictions that hamper solar projects. Way to foster renewable energy!
Plus: Learn more about Solsmart designation in a free webinar on Thursday, September 6th