SCARCE Partners to Provide Easter Dinners to Residents in Need
Mar 30 2021

In March, SCARCE again partnered with the DuPage County Sheriff in their on-going “It Takes a Village” initiative, which works with community groups and businesses to feed our DuPage County neighbors in need. This time around, Electri-Flex of Roselle donated 600 hams for an Easter dinner food drive. SCARCE worked with the DuPage County Sheriff’s Work Alternative Program and Electri-Flex to organize and pack food boxes for distribution.
Food boxes were then distributed through a variety of outlets. SCARCE coordinated distribution of 110 meals to Willowbrook Corner, St. Andrew Lutheran Church in West Chicago, and Wayne Township Food Pantry. In total, about 1,000 meals were distributed for the Easter food drive thanks to the involvement of many community partners including the Northern Illinois Food Bank, the DuPage Senior Citizens Council, Milton Township CERT, and DuPage County District 6 Board Members Jim Zay, Stormwater Committee Chair, and Sheila Rutledge, Environmental Committee Chair. SCARCE is grateful to be part of the Sheriff’s It Takes a Village initiative, which has fed nearly 7,000 people in 2021.