Rain barrels are a great option to conserve water, save money, and reduce flooding at home. When hooked up to your gutters, a rain barrel collects rainwater that can later be used in your garden when the sun is shining!
Pre-order a rain barrel for pick up at the Growin’ Green Garden Market on Saturday, April 30, 2022 at SCARCE. We moved! SCARCE is now in Addison at 800 S Rohlwing Rd.
You can order from either of these two excellent vendors:
Scott Witte of Pro Bee 1 LLC makes rain barrels locally from upcycled food grade containers and include attractive stenciling (see photo at right). Accessories are also available. To place an order, contact Scott at [email protected]. A limited supply will be available for same-day purchases.
The Conservation Foundation is offering rain barrels in a variety of colors, along with accessories for installing the barrel(s) at home. In addition, you can pre-order a composter so that you can make food scrap amended compost right in your own backyard. Order here: Rain Barrels, accessories, and composters – The Conservation Foundation. (see photos below)