November Eco-Extraordinaires
Oct 30 2018
Check out this month’s local leaders in green.
Do you know a DuPage County organization or person that deserves some green kudos? Email [email protected] to explain who you think should be one of our next Eco-Extraordinaires.
DuPage County Residents Continue to Spread Clean Water Message
Groups around our county continue to sign on to spread the word to protect our waterways from pollution through SCARCE’s Storm Drain Medallion Project. Dozens more markers were installed in new locations – educating both those taking part in the project, and anyone who happens to walk by the newly labeled storm drains. The medallions inform passersby that drains lead directly to our rivers and shouldn’t ever be contaminated with chemicals or litter. Only rain down the drain! Way to take action for the earth!
Learn how you can be a part of the Storm Drain Medallion Project – it’s simple and free!
Thank you to the DuPage Foundation for supporting the Storm Drain Medallion Project!
City of Naperville Launches Volunteer Program for Residents to Prevent Flooding and Protect Clean Water
The City of Naperville is empowering residents to take action to prevent flooding and water pollution through their new Adopt-a-Drain volunteer program. Stormwater run-off is one of the largest known causes of water pollution in the country. In DuPage County, our storm drains lead directly to local streams and rivers so any litter or excess leaves or yard debris can cause serious problems for waterway health. Further, a clogged storm drain causes flooded streets. Interested residents can sign up online to be a “Drain Defender” and select from one of 14,000 drains currently in the program. What a great idea to leverage the power of concerned citizens for the benefit of the community and the environment!
Image Credit: City of Naperville