Hot Topics December 2016
Dec 01 2016
A handful of important articles from the news and other environmental organizations from the past month. Scroll down and click underlined sections of text for more details.
Rule Your Attic! Energy STAR
Cold weather is on it’s way, are you prepared? 9 out of 10 homes in the US are under-insulated. ENERGY STAR has information on how to evaluate your home and find the fixes you need to be save energy and be comfortable at home.
2017: International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development
Got travel plans? The United Nations chose their 2017 theme to highlight the “powerful and transformative force” that tourism can have. SCARCE has an informal “suitcase project” for donating rescued books and supplies to people in need, anywhere in the world. If you are traveling and have extra space, give us a call! We’d like to help you bring needed books and supplies to your travel destinations.