Eco-Extraordinaires October 2020
Sep 25 2020
Check out this month’s local leaders in green.
Do you know a DuPage County organization or person that deserves some green kudos? Email [email protected] to explain who you think should be one of our next Eco-Extraordinaires.
Lisle Library District Awarded the Earth Flag
In a recent virtual Board of Trustees meeting the Lisle Library District was presented with an Earth Flag by DuPage County and SCARCE for their environmental achievements. As part of the process of earning the certification, the Library reviewed and implemented many strategies to conserve resources and educate patrons and staff about what they can do to care for the environment. For example, the Library hosted our Where is Away? exhibit in March 2020 to educate patrons about proper recycling. They also recently upgraded all of their lights to energy efficient fixtures and installed low-flow toilets and faucets to save water. Employees use reusable dishes and utensils in the break room and patrons are offered reusable bags for their books. These practices, among many others, earned the Lisle Library District their Earth Flag. Way to go!