Eco-Extraordinaires October 2016
Sep 26 2016
Roselle Hosts First Recycling Extravaganza
The Village of Roselle held their first-ever community Recycling Extravaganza on Saturday, September 17th. The village worked with local organizations to offer paper shredding, e-waste recycling for residents, collect books, mercury thermometers & thermostats, winter clothing, bicycles, gym shoes, eyeglasses, hearing aides, ink cartridges, holiday lights and keys. Their event served over 400 residents that drove through to drop off items to be recycled or reused. Big Thank YOu to Patty Burns, Village Clerk. Great job!

Westin Hotel Donates Leftovers
The Westin Lombard Yorktown Center has been greening their operations with SCARCE’s input for a number of years. They earned their Earth Flag in 2012 and they have been working to reduce food waste. At the end of September, they donated 100 sandwiches to the People’s Resource Center. Way to feed people, not landfills – Great work!

Longfellow Scouts Collect for SCARCE
The 4th Grade Girl Scouts from Longfellow Elementary School in Wheaton are collecting school supplies, crayons, and keys for SCARCE’s rescue projects. The supplies will be sorted and go into SCARCE’s book rescue for teachers and non-profits to take and reuse. The crayons will be sorted and unusable ones will be recycled in our Super Crayon project. And the keys will be recycled with scrap metal as part of our Keys for Conservation, which earns some money to support our work. Check out the great collection bin they decorated! Thank you scouts!

Cass School District Responsibly Disposes of District E-Waste
Over the summer Cass School District 63 recycled 1,471 lbs of electronics! Thanks to Cass teacher, Scott Kondraschow, for taking the lead and disposing of all of this responsibly. Illinois banned electronic waste (“e-waste”) from landfills in 2012. Electronic items contain hazardous chemicals such as cadmium, lead and mercury. If not properly recycled, these chemicals can make their way from landfills into our soil, water and air. Great job collecting and recycling e-waste District 63! Residents: Find locations to recycle e-waste here.